The Main Adverse Reactions of Cosmetic Surgery

The Main Adverse Reactions of Cosmetic Surgery

Nowadays, cosmetic surgery is going to be more and more popular, it not only because it improving facial appearance but also restoring a young face. Also, with the effects of celebrities on the social medias, many people realize the benefits of aesthetic surgeries. The popularity of cosmetic surgery is growing rapidly. However, it doesn’t means that there is no side effect of cosmetic surgery. This article, I'm going to introduce the side effects of cosmetic surgery.

The Main Adverse Reactions of Cosmetic Surgery

Here are the main side effects of cosmetic surgery.


Embolization caused by medical and cosmetic surgery refers to the situation of blood vessel obstruction caused by thrombosis in blood vessels due to surgical operation or other factors during medical and cosmetic surgery. This embolism may occur in blood vessels at the local surgical site or may migrate to other sites after surgery.

Therefore, before performing medical beauty surgery, doctors will assess the risk of thrombosis in patients and take appropriate preventive measures.

Immediate type allergy:

It often presents as allergic rash. The clinical manifestations of acute anaphylaxis are related to the affected effector organs, and can be single-organ or multi-site simultaneous involvement. The onset time of acute anaphylaxis is also not constant, and it may occur during and after injection.

Delayed onset allergy:

More than one month after injection, single or multiple redness, subcutaneous nodules, hard mass, and edema occurred at the filling site. There is a local increase in tension and inflammation. Patients may have distending pain, can be transient. Recurrent or regularly spaced attacks can also be seen.


The injection reaction was manifested as bleeding of the needle eye at the injection site, occasional ecchymosis, skin redness, mild swelling, pain at the injection site, etc. A few severe ecchymosis may take more than 1 week to resolve.

Adverse reactions of cosmetic surgery is likely to happen. To prevent it, we’d better choose reliable cosmetic surgery institution, reliable doctor and reliable products to inject. By normal operation, the likely of adverse reaction will be reduced to limits.