How to Get Ideal Filling Effect After Injecting Hyaluronic Acid?

Jun. 05, 2024

After injecting hyaluronic acid, all beauty seekers are worried about wound infection or hyaluronic acid degradation.


So, how can we maintain the ideal filling effect? After reading the following precautions, you can easily achieve the ideal filling effect!

Hyaluronic Acid

1. Do not apply hot compress after injecting hyaluronic acid

Hot compress can promote blood circulation in the face, but it will affect the function and properties of hyaluronic acid, so hot compress should not be used after injecting hyaluronic acid.

2. Do not apply ice compress after injecting hyaluronic acid

Ice compress will decompose hyaluronic acid while reducing swelling, affecting the injection effect.


3. Keep your body straight within 4 hours after injecting hyaluronic acid

After hyaluronic acid is injected into the body, it takes a certain amount of time to merge with the human body. Within 4 hours after injecting hyaluronic acid, keep your body straight to avoid hyaluronic acid shifting to other positions.


4. Do not change your head posture frequently after injecting hyaluronic acid

After hyaluronic acid filling, do not change your head posture frequently, as this will affect the effect of the injection. Therefore, within one week of injection, do not turn your head or shake your head frequently.


5. Avoid facial massage within one week after injection

Avoid massaging the injection area: Avoid excessive massage or touching the injection area within a few days after injection to avoid causing hyaluronic acid to move under the skin, affecting the filling effect and causing hyaluronic acid loss.


6. Avoid makeup within 24 hours after injection

Avoid touching the injection site with your hands within 24 hours after hyaluronic acid injection. It is recommended not to wash your face or put on makeup to avoid infection of the needle hole due to bacterial invasion.


7. Pay attention to eating after hyaluronic acid injection

① Do not eat spicy seafood and irritating food one week after hyaluronic acid injection; ② Do not eat too cold or too hot food to avoid accelerated loss of hyaluronic acid; ③ Eat more protein-rich foods and fresh fruits and vegetables to speed up recovery; ④ Avoid excessive intake of salt and caffeine, which may cause edema.


8. Do not smoke or drink within one week after injection

After hyaluronic acid injection, it is not recommended to smoke or drink, because tobacco and alcohol will affect the activity of hyaluronic acid and are not conducive to the effect of hyaluronic acid filling. Moreover, after the injection of hyaluronic acid, the skin at the injection site is still relatively fragile. Drinking alcohol may cause allergies to the wound, which is not conducive to the rapid recovery of the wound. In severe cases, it may also affect wound infection; in addition, alcohol will stimulate the body's blood circulation. After the injection of hyaluronic acid, there may be slight swelling at the injection site. At this time, drinking alcohol is likely to aggravate the swelling.


9. Avoid exposure to high temperature environment

Avoid going to saunas, hot tubs or exposing your skin to the sun within a few days after the injection. High temperature will accelerate the metabolism and absorption of hyaluronic acid.


10 Avoid strenuous exercise

Avoid strenuous exercise or making intense facial expressions within a few days after the injection to prevent the hyaluronic acid from moving under the skin.


11 Avoid making exaggerated expressions

Avoid making some exaggerated expressions after the injection of hyaluronic acid. Because exaggerated expressions are likely to cause the facial muscles to squeeze the injection site of hyaluronic acid, and if the plastic surgery effect is not stable, the hyaluronic acid may shift.


12 Perform maintenance injections regularly and inject in batches

Timely maintenance injections can prolong the effect of hyaluronic acid. Generally, three injections are needed to achieve the best results, with each injection spaced between 6 months and 1 year. Regular supplementary injections can keep the skin young and slow down the degradation of hyaluronic acid.


This is Singclean Medical, the professional hyaluronic acid dermal filler manufacturer with more than 20 years’ experience, for more medical beauty industry information, welcome to follow us!

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